Our People
Board of Directors
CAT is a non-profit society in Alberta governed by the Societies’ Act, member-approved bylaws, a set of written, Board-approved policies and procedures, and a member-elected Board of Directors.
Cynthia Edwards
E: president@centralalbertatheatre.ca
Michael Sutherland
Wanda Bornn
E: treasurer@centralalbertatheatre.ca
Robyn Jeffrey
Lacey Oleson-Rinehart
Wanda Oler
Haley Weninger
Susan Dearing
CAT is fortunate to have the services of fine and dedicated staff who are the backbone of our operations!
E: executivedirector@centralalbertatheatre.ca
P: 403-347-8111 Ext 1
E: darrel.centralalbertatheatre@gmail.com
P: 403-347-8111 Ext 4
E: catheatreoffice@gmail.com
P: 403-347-8111 Ext 2
E: frontofhousecat@gmail.com
P: 403-309-0522
E: artisticproducer@centralalbertatheatre.ca
P: 403-347-8111 Ext 5